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Monday, April 27, 2009

Stock Show Fun

The boys, Andrea, and I headed to Texas for the county stock show. The weather was nice and the boys had a great time. The boys were able to show some of Da's sheep in the kiddie class. Braxton was super excited and Brazos wanted nothing to do with it. I, being the meanest mom in the world made him do it anyway. He had been talking about showing his lamb for days and I did not want him to be sad days later because he did not show.
Da and Mama Z were troopers and the boys had a wonderful time. I did not get as many pictures as I wanted but we had a great time.

Braxton and Eli pulling Braxton's lamb jumpy.

Pam and Brayson, it was really windy

Mama Z helping Braxton get his lamb to the ring

Brayson wanting to show a lamb too, we gave him Brazos number because Brazos was not interested.

Brazos in tears holding his trophy. He was screaming the entire time.

The boys and their winnings, notice Brazos was not in the picture, he was still mad

Brazos so happy to be showing his lamb.

Hunter showing his lamb

Braxton showing his lamb. He did a wonderful job.

Eli all smiles


Karl, Andrea, Kaden and Leland said...

They all did so well. The funny thing was, Brazos talked all the way home about how he showed his lamb 'Carrot'. He was so proud of "his" trophy!

Heather said...

I am glad you had fun! I am sure that someday Brazos will be glad you made him show his lamb...I think I would have done the same thing!!