(the time frame is Tuesday to Tuesday) Let's just say it has been a busy week!
13. Do my bi-monthly grocery shopping (and get them all put away) Lisa and I trade off with the kids so I was able to get all the shopping done come home and get everything put away kid free. This was a first for me. I always have had or child or the other. It was a peaceful shopping experience.
12. Christmas Shopping - I have gotten a lot of my Christmas shopping done. I have about half finished. This week I made a lot of progress because I got Braxton and Brazos done!!!
11. Check on Tiffany - one of the girls from church (our adopted daughter) had her tonsils taken out Wednesday and she wanted me to come over and see her. I took her a milk shake and stayed for awhile. She has spent all day with me today and probably tomorrow. She is a great kid and just needs some special attention.
10. Trunk or Treat - Last night at church we had trunk or treat. We had a great turn out. We had over 25 kids. This is a great show for this congregation. It was a fun night and the boys looked great. (I will post the pictures tomorrow)
9. Karl surgery - Karl had back surgery this morning. He and Andrea are still at the hospital - he seems to be recovering well. He will be sore for a couple of days.
8. Playing hospital - This house has become a recovery center. It is nice to be able to take care of people when they are in need. I am thankful to God for providing my husband a wonderful job that allows me to be at home and care for those who need it the most.
7. Finish the girls day stuff - Andrea and I are speaking at a girls day at the College Church of Christ next weekend. We have been working on the agenda and what we want to do. We just need to finish it up.
6. Ladies Night Out - is tonight. I am responsible for getting everything set up, food there, and making sure everything goes off without a hitch. I am looking forward to a night of food, fun, and fellowship.
7. Hayride - Saturday morning our congregation is having a hayride and wienie roast. There is a fun zone and things for the kids to do. We are looking forward to this event.
6. Marriage Class - Because Monday is Beggars Night (up here the kids do not trick or treat on Halloween - they do it on Beggars night which is usually the night before) so because Beggars night is on Monday we moved our class to Saturday night. So Saturday will be a busy day.
5. Sunday worship and pot luck - Sunday is always a busy day with Bible class, worship, pot luck, short nap, and worship again. It is a busy day but a day that is full of family time and fellowship.
4. Braxton has an allergist appointment on Monday - this one is to see if he will be able to take the flu shot. The nurse said it will take around two hours to see if it will work.
3. The Clapp kids come for a visit. I usually keep the kids every other Tuesday but this week I will have them on Monday. It will be a fun and very busy day!
2. Brazos cardiologist appointment. We see the cardiologist on Tuesday for a follow up.
1. Take a trip to Paris. We will leave as soon as we are done at the cardiologist. We are looking forward to a great week with family and friends.
Well that is a look into the 7 days of our life.
1 comment:
I am tired just reading this! Paris? What is the occasion? I hope you get to see the new cousins. I can't wait myself.
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